Breaking: Rodich Law wins compensation for Pacoima marble worker who was denied workers comp - LA Times Story
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Advocating For Your Rights

Woodland Hills Union Worker Injury Attorneys

Helping Union Employees in Woodland Hills Fight for Their Rights

Many of the injured employees that we help here at Rodich Law, belong to various labor unions. Our legal team has been helping injured union workers in California exercise their legal rights for over a combined five decades.

We know that union workers have many types of protections that non-union workers might not have access to. Our lawyers are familiar with labor and union laws and we can help review your union contract or collective bargaining agreement to determine what kind of compensation you are entitled to.

Let Us Help With Your Case Today

Union workers can experience the same workplace injuries as non-union workers. However, because union workers are employed under contracts and other types of legally binding agreements, obtaining workers’ compensation for injuries can sometimes be more complex than your standard workers’ comp case.

When it comes to union workers injuries, there are many different procedures and filing guidelines that need to be carefully followed to ensure maximum recovery of the benefits you are entitled to. When you hire Rodich Law, you get a team of lawyers who will be by your side throughout your entire case.

From filing your workers’ comp claim to making sure you get professional and timely medical treatment, we want to help you build the strongest case possible.

We Help Union Workers in All Industries

If you are union worker in any of the following industries, our lawyers can help with your workers’ compensation case:

  • Boilermakers
  • Bricklayers
  • Carpenters
  • Construction Workers
  • Electricians
  • Engineers
  • Firefighters
  • Maintenance Workers
  • Mechanics
  • Nurses
  • Plumbers
  • Police Officers
  • Postal Workers
  • Prison Guards
  • Professional Athletes
  • Teachers
  • Utility Workers

Workers’ compensation benefits can be used to cover the flowing things:

  • Lost Wages
  • Medical Care
  • Temporary Disability
  • Permanent Disability
  • Rehabilitation
  • Vocational Rehabilitation

Depending on the union you belong to, there might stipulations for how your benefits are managed or awarded. Our skilled lawyers can assess your case and advise you on how to protect your rights and interests.

The attorneys at Rodich Law are committed to working on behalf of injured union members who have experienced workplace accidents and injuries.

We want to help you understand your legal options and the merits of your case before you go forward with your workers’ compensation injury claim.

Our law firm has the unique experience, skills, and resources that you will need to obtain the compensation you are entitled to. Let our team get to work for you today.

Ready to schedule a free consultation? Contact our office today to speak with a member of our team.

Workers' Comp

Automotive Employees
Business Professionals
Construction Workers
Covid 19
Denied Claims
Do I Qualify For Workers Comp
Firefighter Injuries
Healthcare Workers
Hospital Workers
Industrial Workers
Injured Workers
Police Officer Injuries
Restaurant Employee Injuries
Rights Of Injured Workers
Severe Burns
Union Workers Injuries

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